Friday, 14 February 2014

top 3 future technologies you'll love in 2020

3.Home robots

Although there are robots in the home today, they don't look much like the ones seen in sci-fi shows.
For years -- decades -- we've been regaled with tales of housekeeping robots. Remember Rosie from "The Jetsons"? Yet here we are, in the 21st century, with a handful of robotic household helpers. All is not lost, however. Inventors are still hard at work trying to perfect the perfect 'bot. One prototype unveiled by research scientists in Germany is a one-armed, three-fingered wonder that can pick up items while on clean-up duty, serve drinks to its owners and their guests, and even operate some machines. Numerous sensors prevent it from inadvertently (and painfully) clamping its hand around your arm. While users can direct the robot via a touch-screen in its serving tray, it also responds to spoken commands, plus can understand and respond to gestures [source: Science Daily].
This is just one version of a household robot, of course. There are others in development, and it's anybody's guess which one(s) will actually be developed, marketed and sold. Or if they'll be priced so that the average person can afford one. But we haven't given up on the concept.

2.Smart Toilets

New toilets are likely to incorporate many convenience features, making today's toilet look downright shabby in comparison.
If you've been to Asia, namely Japan, you've likely been fascinated by their toilets. To those of us in North America, they're quite futuristic. These super bowls are loaded with buttons and gadgets whose function and operation are difficult to figure out. At least to the uninitiated. For starters, the toilets also function as bidets. Long common in Europe and other parts of the world, bidets spritz water at you for post-potty cleansing. In these newer toilets, a dryer also kicks in, wafting warm air up towards you, meaning there's no need for toilet paper.
But oh, there's so much more to these wonders. Like heated seats, and lids that raise -- and lower -- automatically. Not surprisingly, the latter function is especially appealing to women; they've even been dubbed "marriage savers." Then there are the built-in deodorizers, which remove every trace of our, uh, prior activities. And, of course, they self-flush, a toilet feature already found in public restrooms in America. Some of these toilets even clean themselves once we've left, applying an antibacterial coating as the last step .
But while smart toilets currently exist -- even if they haven't reached our shores yet -- even smarter ones are in development. Their purpose: to keep us healthy. Some toilets in Japan already perform urinalysis to see if users have diabetes; soon there will be toilets able to detect things like drug use and pregnancy from your urine, plus colon cancer from your stools. Heck, they'll even be able to give us diet and exercise advice. But will we heed it?

1.Home Security Through Facial Recognition Software

Using 3-D software, the system goes through a series of steps to verify or identify an individual.

Lots of movies today feature businesses and governmental entities with facial recognition software in place, usually to keep unauthorized personnel from accessing areas with highly-classified information and priceless goods. Eventually, many of us may be able to install this software in our own homes. Why would we want to? Video cameras at our doors could identify our family and friends, plus strangers. If a stranger does ring our doorbell, the system could then immediately run the person's mug against all the faces in our criminal and terrorist databases, so we don't let in some really bad dude [source: Future Technology Portal]. Of course, sometimes a family member or friend turns out to be a bad guy.
There are numerous companies currently working with facial recognition software, for both business and personal use. When and if it becomes widely available isn't yet known. Android currently has a face-unlock feature in its Android 4 operating system, aka Ice Cream Sandwich. But if you hold up a photo of the authorized user, it can be fooled [source: Bonnington]. So, it seems we have a ways to go on this one.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

list of close UFO encounters(hidden documents-US military)

Caption: Case 36293. Graphic depicts the father-son case near Chase City, VA, where the object 'came within 50 feet of their right wing.'
The Science Review Board from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) recently released their top 10 cases from 2012. Here's a quick summary of these cases:
Case 36293: 2 p.m., February 18, 2012; near Chase City, Virginia
A father and son, both pilots, were flying in an Ovation II propeller-driven aircraft from Charlotte, NC, to Richmond, VA. They witnessed a bright, orb-like UFO hovering next to their plane. They described the UFO as a bright, circular sphere about 30 feet in diameter. As the object approached their right wing, the plane temporarily lost power. The engine sputtered and all of the electrical equipment including the computers turned off. The pilots estimate that the object came within 50 feet of their right wing. A few seconds later, the plane regained all systems as the UFO swiftly shot away at an incredible speed.
Case 36765: 3 a.m., March 25, 2012; at a correctional facility near Cleburne, Texas
Two officers on duty at a correctional facility saw a triangular object to their south. It was a clear night and the moon was not out. The object flew over them very slowly, appearing to be going only about 5 mph.
Case 41298: In mid-June 2012; near Sutter, California (rural area 40 miles NNW of Sacramento
A security guard was traveling to a construction site to relieve another officer near a levee off McClatchy Road west of Yuba City when he noticed a glowing white light amongst the trees. As he continued in the direction toward the light he continued to observe it until he came within about 650 yards of the object. During the five minutes that he observed the object he noted its saucer-like shape as it glided a few feet above the tree line.
Case 41289: 10:15 p.m., July 13, 2012; rural area near Hartford, Wisconsin; 30 miles NW of Milwaukee
A mother in rural Wisconsin was standing in her driveway on the north side of her house saying goodnight to her daughter who was in the driver's seat of her minivan with her 4-year-old son in the rear seat. Looking south from the minivan, the daughter could see the front of the house and the sky above, while the mother was facing north with her back to the house. The daughter saw something above the garage roof, stretching from the chimney on the house to a tree about 75 feet away.
Case 41918: 5:20 a.m., July 14, 2012; Highway 36 near the town of Milano, Texas, and a repeat event six months later near the same location
The two witnesses saw a pentagon-shaped, black object hovering over the highway ahead of them. At each apex of the pentagon were lights and a more intense light in the middle of the object. The lights at the corners were white and pulsated about once per second. As the witnesses drove under the object they could hear no sound coming from the craft above them.
Cases 37562, 37585 and 36704, April 17-19, 2012; Three separate triangle reports in the same region of Oklahoma and Texas
All three witnesses described a silent, triangular object that displayed white lights on the apex of the triangle and a ruby-colored light in the center of the triangle. There was not sufficient information in the movement of the object to establish that it was not potentially a drone or experimental aircraft.
Case 38312: 9 p.m., May 19, 2012; Lawrenceville, Georgia; (rural property about 30 miles NE of Atlanta).
The witness and four other family members observed nine bright objects pulsating or throbbing deep orange to light orange, each about the size of the full moon, moving ENE to SSW at near treetop level, hovering just above the trees in her backyard at a height of 500 feet to one mile, and then shooting upward into the sky one after another at a 45-degree angle and at an extreme rate of speed. It took each object only 1-2 seconds to disappear from view as it accelerated.
Case 41616: 10:30 p.m., July 18, 2012; Channahon, Illinois; a small suburb 35 miles SE of Chicago
This report comes from a 50-year-old male.
I saw movement coming from the Ursa Minor Constellation. It seemed as though one of the stars was moving in a northerly direction. As I watched it for a few seconds it seemed as though the 'air' around the 'star' seemed to ripple sort of the same way heat does when watching it rise from the ground at a distance. It was then that I noticed it 'moving' again and thought it odd as the stars that make up the Constellation of Ursa Minor don't MOVE! So I shined the flood light at the 'star' that was moving. It seemed to 'absorb' the light. It reminded me of the way water moves when a pebble is dropped and ripples. As I shined the light on it, it actually seemed to respond. It shined a light back at me!
Case 43607: 4 p.m., October 23, 2012; Ball Ground, Georgia; a town of about 1400 people
Two women and their two children saw a silent, black object that hovered almost directly over their home at a height of several hundred feet. The duration of the incident was about 30 minutes. Three short videos of the object were provided by the witness.
Case 44556: 8:15 p.m., December 13, 2012; central Georgia about five miles from Dublin
The witness and a companion observed a saucer-like craft approach his truck at treetop height from the right (north) shoulder of the interstate. The object slowly approached the witness' vehicle and hovered for a few seconds and then disappeared. The object was about 30 feet in diameter, had eight white lights around the underside perimeter and one white light, equal in size of those on the perimeter, in the center.

top 10 hackers of all time

The Top 10 Most Infamous Hackers of All Time

The Top 10 Most Infamous Hackers of All Time
Who among us has not been victimized by a virus? Not the virus that can make a person sick, but the kind that can cripple your computer, or worse, the entire network you are on. The culprits are those amazingly talented people who possess the ability to come up with programs to break into other people’s gadgets. Sometimes, they do it just for the heck of it and annoy the hell out of us. Other times, they use it to steal valuable information.
Regardless of their reasons, here is a list of the top 10 most infamous hackers of all time.

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10. Loyd Blankenship

Loyd Blankenship does not have a hack that can be solely attributed to him. He was a member of the Legion of Doom, however, that rivaled the Masters of Deception, or MoD, during the late 80′s. Known as The Mentor, his claim to fame is authorship of The Hacker Manifesto, which he wrote after his 1986 arrest. It defended hackers, claiming that they only do it to satisfy their curiosity.

9. Stephen Wozniak

The co-founder of Apple started out as a hacker. While studying at the University of California, Berkeley, he bypassed the phone system by phreaking. This allowed him to make free long distance calls. He even used it to call world leaders like the Pope. Not long after, he started working with Steve Jobs to create Apple Computer.

8. The Masters of Deception

During the 1980′s, a group of hackers banded together to form the Legion of Doom. It aimed to break in to the networks of giant corporations and simply wreak havoc in it. Later on, some members of the group decided to form and spin off a rival new group. They were all based in New York and they called themselves the Masters of Deception, or MoD. The group’s most famous victim was AT&T, whose system was broken through by MoD, allowing them to hack to the company’s vast phone network. It was only in 1992 that the group got busted, with its members going to jail or receiving suspended sentences.

7. Adrian Lamo

Adrian Lamo was a mobile hacker who launched his work from the confines of Internet cafes, libraries or coffee shops. He actually did it just as a challenge and for fun, as he would regularly break into computer systems and then immediately tell the owner of the network about its vulnerability. He even made himself an expert by adding his name to the database of the New York Times. He was arrested in 2003. He was also the one who turned in Bradley Manning, who had leaked government documents to Wikileaks.

6. Sven Jaschan

In 2004, the wired world was bothered by a series of worms that eventually became known as Netsky and Sasser. It spread so quickly that in just a short while, the worms accounted for as much as 70 percent of all the malware spreading at that time over the Internet. Amazingly, the offender was only a mere teenager. His name was Sven Jaschan and he was arrested and tried in court. Owing to the fact that he was still just a teenager, he only got a suspended sentence, though the judge ordered him to report to a probation officer regularly for the next three years. Still, talent like that is hard to find, so despite his criminal background, he was immediately hired by a security company to help come up with antidotes to computer viruses.

5. David L. Smith

Back in the nascent days of the Internet, usenet was all the rage. Just like the beginning of time until now, sex was one of the more popular topics. David L. Smith took advantage of this to spread the highly notorious Melissa worm virus. The original form was distributed by email, making it the first malware to be successfully transported through this method. Experts estimate that the virus caused as much as $80 million in damages. Smith was later arrested and sentenced to jail.

4. Michael Calce

He was only 15 years old and was probably pining for a girlfriend like a typical teenager, but Michael Calce was able to cause the temporary shutdown of sites like Yahoo, Amazon and eBay. Using the name of MafiaBoy, Calce hacked to the large commercial sites that led to denial-of-service attacks across 75 computers in 52 networks. He might have gotten away with it if he did not boast about his feat in an online chat room. He was sentenced to eight months of open custody, a year of probation and a small fine. He was also restricted from using the Internet.

3. Robert Tappan Morris

In 1988, a graduate student from Cornell University who also had a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, decided to make use of his Ivy League education to test the size of the Internet. He did it by creating the Morris worm. The worm ended up affecting 6,000 major Unix machines, practically shutting them down and causing millions of dollars in damage. It was probably the first worm of its kind. Morris was eventually caught, fined, sentenced to a three-year probation, and ordered to conduct community service. The disk that he used to write the worm is now on display at the Boston Museum of Science. Morris himself is now a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

2. Kevin Poulsen

Kevin Poulsen started out with an amusing hack into the phone lines of a radio station that allowed him to be the 102nd caller, which made him win a Porsche. He also broke into the phone system to reactivate old numbers. Poulsen was able to hack into the federal investigation database. After he was featured on the TV show Unsolved Mysteries, the numbers posted for information leading to his arrest mysteriously crashed. He has since been imprisoned and released. He is now a Senior Editor for Wired News.

1. Kevin Mitnick 

Kevin Mitnick does not like being called a hacker. He instead claims to be a social engineer, who has broken into the systems of Nokia, Fujitsu and Motorola. He was arrested in 1995 and served five years in jail. He now runs his own computer security consultancy company.(hack & earn)

Monday, 3 February 2014

Usain Bolt stretched human limits in buenos aires

Usain Bolt has beaten the best sprinters in the world, so now he has to turn to large vehicles for competition.
The Jamaican sprinter staged a race against a bus in an 80 meter sprint in Buenos Aires. The gold-medal winner wasn’t taking the race lightly, as he stretched for several minutes before blowing the bus away.
But as soon as the race began, it was clear who had the advantage. Usain Bolt took such a lead on the bus that he never even got into full gear, stopping before he even reached a sprint.
After he beat the bus, Bolt took on some real competition, racing fellow Jamaicans Mario Forsythe, Kimmari Roach and Daniel Bailey. The race against the bus must not have taken too much out of Usain, who again cruised to victory.
While the race against the bus was all in good fun, Bolt is serious when it comes to defending his title as the world’s fastest man. After winning the 100 meter, 200 meter, and 4 x 100 meter relay gold medals in consecutive Olympic games, Bolt is looking to make it a trifecta in Rio in 2016.
“One of my main goals is to go to the Rio Olympics, as I was saying, to do it again,” Bolt said. “To defend my titles and it’s never been done three times so, for me, that’s me trying to set the bar as high as possible. To just push the barrier.”
Some thought Usain Bolt may not compete in Rio at all. After this year’s world championships in Moscow, Bolt was evasive with reporters when asked about his future. He admitted that it was a struggle to remain motivated after reaching the pinnacle of the track world, but eventually cleared the air and said he planned on competing again in Rio.
“So far it’s after the Olympics in Rio,” Bolt said of when he could retire. “If I’m in great shape and I go there and do what I have to do, I think it would be a good time to retire on top and having dominated for so long.”
Usain Bolt didn’t specify if his retirement included racing against buses or just other humans.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Big Trouble to reach heaven (2014 brazil football worldcup)

For many England fans whether we would actually make it to Brazil 2014 was in question, due to our performances on the pitch, however now, demonstrations in Sao Paolo where the event is being held, look like it may not go off as easily as expected. Anti-World Cup protests have erupted in the city as 1,000 demonstrators riot over the fact that so much money has been invested in this event when it should be invested in health and education services as well as public transport which are badly lacking across the country.
Those in the suburbs of the city, including many families were affected as protesters threw flames and Molotov cocktails at police who were in turn using tear gas and rubber bullets. However similar demonstrations were also seen in cities across the country, where a large portion of the population is considered poor. According to many of the opponents of the world cup, they are being prevented from seeing the benefits of their country’s rapid economic boom. Huge sums of money have been invested however health and education services and better transportation and housing are being neglected.
It’s easy to see why people are feeling disaffected, countries which have seen huge investment, when these event have taken place, don’t really have the best record post events. Africa for example who were the last country to hold the world cup completion, don’t really have a lot to show, with their health, education and transport services still underfunded. People who were displaced from their homes, when the stadiums were built have been largely ignored and so far the only use from the stadiums was the 2013 African Nations. It hasn’t been shown yet, for these places to make money and go some way to paying back the cost of being built, and the effect on local areas.
Although in Brazil, it is an important message people are trying to get across, it runs the risk of being disregarded when demonstrations descend into chaos. However undeterred there are a number of protest plans in the run up to the 2014 World Cup and during. However, even if events pass unhampered during the event, scrutiny of these events being held in developing countries won’t cease, if recent events in Qatar which is hosting the 2022 are anything to go by. Reports of a high deaths of foreign nationals working on the stadium is cause for concern. Coupled with the controversial decision to change the time of year the competition is being held to combat the weather will leave many people thinking that perhaps it’s better to host events such as this in countries which have the stadiums and infrastructure already?

The last sentence of 3 year old syrian kid

This picture is haunting and it’s been floating around the internet with the sentence:
The last sentence of a 3-year-old Syrian said before he died: “I’m gonna tell God everything”
And that’s equally haunting.  It’s impossible to verify but the picture tells a story about the pain and suffering that exists in Syria right now.  There are many in the media who would like to say this is because president Bashar al-Assad is a ruthless killer.  And that’s half true.  Like other government leaders – he has engaged in war and with that war has come the death of tens of thousands and the displacement of over 1 million Syrians now living in refugee camps.
But this hasn’t always been the case.  This is the inevitable result of a covert war being waged by the U.S., Israel and other Sunni countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia.  Our interests in taking down the Syrian dictator al-Assad are all about geo-politics.  If we take out Syria – we neuter Iranian influence in the region.  It has gotten so bad that al-Qaeda is now fighting on the same side as the United States government and Bashar al-Assad and his government are fighting al-Qaeda.  And Syrians are all the victim of this massive global covert proxy war.
It has gotten to the point where we don’t even know if the chemical weapons that were used in Syria were the result of al-Qaeda or the Syrian government.  When it comes to matters of intelligence and propaganda – it’s very hard to discern truth from fiction.  But no one can deny that Syria was a very stable country until we decided to go in all guns blazing.  We’re not bringing democracy to the world – that’s the sound of imperialism baby.

sudden twist in PAUL WALKER's death

Since the tragic death of Paul Walker many have speculated the initial cause of his death. Now it’s being reported that the L.A. County Coroner’s Office has completed their examination via dental records for both Walker, and his friend, Roger Rodas, who was driving the 2005 Porsche Carrera GT.
The L.A. County Coroner’s Office has released a statement in regards to the tragic crash that took the lives of actor Paul Walker, and his friend, Roger Rodas. Walker, 40, passed away due to a “combination of traumatic and thermal injuries.”
According to the statement, Walker did not die by the impact of the crash, and is believed to have been alive for a few seconds. It’s said that ultimately the fire caused by the impact was the cause of death. In the case of Roger Rodas, 38, the driver died on impact from severe injuries, and fire was not listed as a factor in his death.
It’s said that toxicology results will not be in for the two men until six to eight weeks, although the Medical Examiner has ruled that the deaths of Walker and his friend were accidental.
As for the event surrounding the accident, the two men were winding down after a charity event for Walker’s ROWW organization when they decided to take the red 2005 Porsche Carrera GT out for a test drive. According to Walker and Rodas’ mutual friend, Jim Torp, the two were not drag racing and were testing out a problem with the car that the two were trying to diagnose.
Shortly they left the garage, tragedy struck. According to Torp, smoke was visible from Always Evolving Performance Motors, which was the shop Rodas owned, and is around the corner from the crash site. Although many of their friends tried to get them out of the car, there was nothing that could be done. In addition, initial reports that said Walker’s 15-year-old daughter Meadow was on site at the time are false.
Paul Walker’s family has made an official statement on his public Facebook that has amassed to 12 million likes:
“Paul Walker’s family appreciates the outpouring of love and goodwill from his many fans and friends. They have asked, in lieu of flowers or other gifts, that donations please be made to Paul’s charity Reach Out Worldwide (ROWW).